Video Recording – Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform (Voxxed Zurich 2018)

I spoke at Voxxed Zurich 2018 about Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform. The talk includes an intro to Apache Kafka and its open source ecosystem (Kafka Streams, Connect, KSQL, Schema Registry, etc.). Just want to share the video recording of my talk.


This session introduces Apache Kafka, an event-driven open source streaming platform. Apache Kafka goes far beyond scalable, high volume messaging. In addition, you can leverage Kafka Connect for integration and the Kafka Streams API for building lightweight stream processing microservices in autonomous teams. The open source Confluent Platform adds further components such as a KSQL, Schema Registry, REST Proxy, Clients for different programming languages and Connectors for different technologies and databases. Live Demos included.

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