Lessons learned: SmartGWT 2.3 – Component-Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

14 years ago

I used SmartGWT in our last project (duration: 6 months) - that is a component library for the Google Web…

MyBatis (formerly called iBatis) – Examples and Hints using @SELECT, @INSERT and @UPDATE Annotations

14 years ago

MyBatis is a lightweight persistence framework for Java and .NET. This blog entry addresses the Java side. MyBatis is an…

Bad Idea: A Keynote at SOA / Cloud Symposium 2010 in Berlin as Skype Call

14 years ago

In October 2010, I was at the IT conference „SOA / Cloud Symposium 2010“. I really liked the conference as…

Report: SOA / Cloud Symposium 2010 in Berlin

14 years ago

I was at the SOA / Cloud Symposium (5th and 6th October 2010) in Berlin, Germany. As the name already…

SOA / Cloud Certification of „soaschool.com“ (SOACP) by Thomas Erl or Sun / Oracle Java Enterprise (JEE) Certification?

14 years ago

What IT certification should I do next? This is what I wondered within the last weeks, after I passed the…

Report: Cloud Camp Berlin, 4th October 2010

14 years ago

The Cloud-Camp was a free „Unconference“, which took place one day before the SOA / Cloud Symposium 2010 in Berlin,…

Report: Herbstcampus 2010 (IT-Conference in Nuremberg) about Java, JEE, .NET and SOA

14 years ago

I was at the Herbstcampus 2010 in Nuremberg, that is a four-day IT conference. The main topics consist of Java,…

10 interesting Statements of Adam Bien about the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6)

14 years ago

Yesterday, I visited the one-day conference "DOAG SIG Java", because I presented about applicability and limits of Java Server Faces…

Report: One-Day Conference “DOAG SIG Java 2010” about Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6)

14 years ago

Today, I visited the one-day conference "DOAG SIG Java". The main subject was the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6).…

JEE Development using JRebel with IBM WebSphere (WAS) 6.1 and RAD 7.0

15 years ago

I want to share my experiences with JRebel (http://www.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/). If you need some neutral information about this product to ease…