In February 2013, I was at ApacheCon NA 2013 in Portland, Oregon, USA. It was a small, but great conference. I met so many awesome Apache experts and learned a lot about several Apache projects.
Besides all of the Hadoop related projects, I was especially interested in Apache Syncope, an open source system for managing digital identities in enterprise environments, and Apache Streams, a new Incubator project that aims to develop a scalable server for the publication, aggregation, filtering and re-exposure of enterprise social activities.
My session was named “Systems Integration in the NoSQL Era with Apache Camel“. I showed how to integrate several different NoSQL databases such as MongoDB (document), Neo4j (graph), HBase (column), AWS S3 (key-value), or Hazelcast (in-memory). I used Apache Camel with text editor and IDE. Besides, I showed some open source tooling on top of Camel with Talend ESB. With Talend, you can use a graphical user interface, all Camel code is generated. You have just to configure your routes.
Here are the slides from my talk:
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If you have any further questions, feel free to write a comment or contact me via Twitter, email or social networks (LinkedIn, Xing).
Best regards,
Kai Wähner (Twitter: @KaiWaehner)