You are not Facebook or Google? Why you should still care about Big Data and Apache Hadoop Ecosystem (Pig, Hive, Hortonworks, Cloudera, MapR, Informatica, Talend)

In March 2013, I was at 33rd Degree – “A Conference for Java Masters”. I had two talks, including a new one: “You are not Facebook or Google? Why you should still care about Big Data”. It is a great talk to give an overview about big data, especially from a business perspective (paradigm shift, business value, challenges). However, I also talk about alternatives for big data from a technology perspective, mainly about the defacto standard Apache Hadoop, its ecosystem, distributions, and tooling (i.e. big data suites).

In March 2013, I was at 33rd Degree – “A Conference for Java Masters”. I had two talks, including a new one: “You are not Facebook or Google? Why you should still care about Big Data”. It is a great talk to give an overview about big data, especially from a business perspective (paradigm shift, business value, challenges). However, I also talk about alternatives for big data from a technology perspective, mainly about the defacto standard Apache Hadoop, its ecosystem (Hive, Pig, HBase, Oozie, Sqoop, etc.), distributions (Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR), and tooling (i.e. big data suites, e.g. Talend, Informatica, Oracle, IBM).

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As always, I appreciate every feedback, questions and other comments…


Best regards,

Kai Wähner (Twitter: @KaiWaehner)

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