How to choose the right Open Source Integration Framework – Apache Camel (JBoss, Talend), Spring Integration (Pivotal) or Mule ESB? – JavaOne 2013

These slides show and compare the three alternative integration frameworks Apache Camel (JBoss, Talend), Spring Integration (Pivotal) and Mule ESB, and discuss their pros and cons. Besides, a recommendation will be given when to use a more powerful Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) instead of one of these frameworks.

Slides from my talk “How to choose the right Integration Framework” at JavaOne 2013, San Francisco, are online.


Data exchanges between companies increase a lot. The number of applications which must be integrated increases, too. The interfaces use different technologies, protocols and data formats. Nevertheless, the integration of these applications shall be modeled in a standardized way, realized efficiently and supported by automatic tests.

Three integration frameworks are available in the JVM environment, which fulfil these requirements: Apache Camel, Spring Integration and Mule. They implement the well-known Enteprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and therefore offers a standardized, domain-specific language to integrate applications.

These Integration Frameworks can be used in almost every integration project within the JVM environment – no matter  which technologies, transport protocols or data formats are used. All integration projects can be realized in a consistent way without redundant boilerplate code.

This session shows and compares the three alternatives and discusses their pros and cons. Besides, a recommendation will be given when to use a more powerful Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) instead of one of these frameworks.


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