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Apache Kafka and MQTT (Part 2 of 5) – V2X and Connected Vehicles

Apache Kafka and MQTT are a perfect combination for many IoT use cases. This blog series covers the pros and cons of both technologies. Various use cases across industries, including connected vehicles, manufacturing, mobility services, and smart city are explored. The examples use different architectures, including lightweight edge scenarios, hybrid integrations, and serverless cloud solutions. This post is part two: Connected Vehicles and V2X applications.
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Augmented Reality AR VR and Apache Kafka with ARKit Unity Unreal Engine
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Augmented Reality Demo with Apache Kafka

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) get traction across industries far beyond gaming – including retail, manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare. This blog post explores a retail demo that integrates a cutting-edge AR mobile shopping experience with the backend systems via the event streaming platform Apache Kafka.
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Event Streaming with Apache Kafka as Foundation for a Smart City and Public Sector
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Event Streaming with Kafka as Foundation for a Smart City

A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to collect data and then use insights gained from that data to manage assets, resources, and services efficiently. This blog post explores how Apache Kafka fits into the smart city architecture and the benefits and use cases.
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Smart Retail Store with Apache Kafka at the Edge
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A Hybrid Streaming Architecture for Smart Retail Stores with Apache Kafka

Event Streaming with Apache Kafka disrupts the retail industry. This blog post explores a concrete use case as part of the overall story: A hybrid streaming architecture to build smart retail stores for autonomous or disconnected edge computing and replication to the cloud with Apache Kafka.
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Smart Grid Energy Production and Distribution with Apache Kafka
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Apache Kafka for Smart Grid, Utilities and Energy Production

The energy industry is changing from system-centric to smaller-scale and distributed smart grids and microgrids. These smart grids require a flexible, scalable, elastic, and reliable cloud-native infrastructure for real-time data integration and processing. This post explores use cases, architectures, and real-world deployments of event streaming with Apache Kafka in the energy industry to implement smart grids and real-time end-to-end integration.
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Building a Smart Factory with Apache Kafka and 5G Campus Networks

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Event Streaming with Apache Kafka plays a key role in processing massive volumes of data in real-time in a reliable, scalable, and flexible way. Learn about the relationship between Apache Kafka and modern telco infrastructures leveraging private 5G campus networks for Industrial IoT (IIoT) and edge computing.
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