Java / JEE

Apache Kafka, KSQL and Apache PLC4X for IIoT Data Integration and Processing

Data integration and processing in Industrial IoT (IIoT, aka Industry 4.0 or Automation Industry). Apache Kafka, its ecosystem (Kafka Connect,…

5 years ago

Deep Learning Example: Apache Kafka + Python + Keras + TensorFlow + Deeplearning4j

"Python + Keras + TensorFlow + DeepLearning4j + Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams" => New example added to my "Machine…

6 years ago

Deep Learning KSQL UDF for Streaming Anomaly Detection of MQTT IoT Sensor Data

KSQL UDF for sensor analytics. Leverages the new API features of KSQL to build UDF / UDAF functions easily with…

7 years ago

Model Serving: Stream Processing vs. RPC / REST with Java, gRPC, Apache Kafka, TensorFlow

Machine Learning / Deep Learning models can be used in different ways to do predictions. Natively in the application or…

7 years ago

KSQL Deep Dive – The Open Source Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka

KSQL is the open source, Apache 2.0 licensed streaming SQL engine on top of Apache Kafka. This post shows a…

7 years ago

Rethinking Stream Processing with Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams and KSQL

I presented at JavaLand 2018 in Brühl recently. A great developer conference with over 1800 attendees. The location is also…

7 years ago

Video Recording – Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform (Voxxed Zurich 2018)

I spoke at Voxxed Zurich 2018 about Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform. The talk includes an intro…

7 years ago

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices

This blog post discusses how to build a highly scalable, mission-critical microservice infrastructure with Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, and Apache…

7 years ago

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Mesos / DCOS = Scalable Microservices

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Apache Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices. Mission-critical deployments via DC/OS and Confluent on premise…

7 years ago

Deep Learning in Real Time with TensorFlow, and Kafka Streams (Slides from JavaOne 2017)

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams to Produductionize Neural Networks (Deep Learning). Models built with TensorFlow, DeepLearning4J, H2O. Slides from JavaOne…

7 years ago