Apache Kafka vs. Middleware (MQ, ETL, ESB) – Slides + Video

This post shares a slide deck and video recording of the differences between an event-driven streaming platform like Apache Kafka…

6 years ago

Apache Kafka vs. ESB / ETL / MQ

Read why enterprises leverage the open source ecosystem of Apache Kafka for successful integration of different legacy and modern applications…

7 years ago

Video Recording – Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform (Voxxed Zurich 2018)

I spoke at Voxxed Zurich 2018 about Apache Kafka as Event-Driven Open Source Streaming Platform. The talk includes an intro…

7 years ago

Why I Move (Back) to Open Source for Messaging, Integration and Stream Processing

After three great years at TIBCO Software, I move back to open source and join Confluent, the company behind the…

8 years ago

Cloud Native Middleware Microservices – 10 Lessons Learned (O’Reilly Software Architecture 2017, New York)

I want to share my slide deck and video recordings from the talk "10 Lessons Learned from Building Cloud Native…

8 years ago

Case Study: From a Monolith to Cloud, Containers, Microservices

Case Study: How to Move from a (Middleware) Monolith to Cloud, Containers and Microservices leveraging Docker, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Consul,…

8 years ago

Blockchain, Integration, Streaming Analytics, Ethereum, Hyperledger

Blockchain, Integration, Streaming Analytics, Ethereum, Hyperledger => Why blockchain is the next big thing for middleware and analytics.

8 years ago

Comparison of Open Source IoT Integration Frameworks

Comparison of Open Source IoT Integration Frameworks such as Eclipse Kura (+ Apache Camel), Node-RED, Flogo, Apache Nifi, StreamSets, and…

8 years ago

Open Source Project Flogo – Overview, Architecture and Live Demo

Introduction to the Open Source IoT Integration Project Flogo to build very lightweight edge applications and microservices for cloud native…

8 years ago

Comparison Of Log Analytics for Distributed Microservices – Open Source Frameworks, SaaS and Enterprise Products

Log Analytics is the right framework or tool to monitor for Distributed Microservices. Comparison of Open source, SaaS and Enteprrise…

8 years ago