api management

Request-Response with REST/HTTP vs. Data Streaming with Apache Kafka – Friends, Enemies, Frenemies?

Request-response communication with REST / HTTP is simple, well understood, and supported by most technologies, products, and SaaS cloud services.…

2 years ago

Streaming Data Exchange with Kafka and a Data Mesh in Motion

Data Mesh is a new architecture paradigm that gets a lot of buzzes these days. This blog post looks into…

3 years ago

Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?

Event Streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway solutions (Apigee, Mulesoft Anypoint, Kong, TIBCO Mashery, etc.) are…

5 years ago

Case Study: From a Monolith to Cloud, Containers, Microservices

Case Study: How to Move from a (Middleware) Monolith to Cloud, Containers and Microservices leveraging Docker, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Consul,…

8 years ago

Comparison of Open Source IoT Integration Frameworks

Comparison of Open Source IoT Integration Frameworks such as Eclipse Kura (+ Apache Camel), Node-RED, Flogo, Apache Nifi, StreamSets, and…

8 years ago

Open Source Project Flogo – Overview, Architecture and Live Demo

Introduction to the Open Source IoT Integration Project Flogo to build very lightweight edge applications and microservices for cloud native…

8 years ago

Trends at JavaOne 2016: Microservices, Docker, Cloud-Native Middleware

JavaOne 2016 Trends: Besides focus on Java platform updates (Java 9, Java EE 8, etc.), I saw three hot topics,…

8 years ago

TIBCO’s Hybrid Integration Platform

This blog explains the different components of a hybrid integration architecture, their deployment models, when to use them, and their…

8 years ago

Microservices = Death of the ESB? (2016, Meetup Dublin)

I was invited to speak at Microservices Meetup Dublin this week. I updated my slide deck "Microservices - Death of…

9 years ago

Right Technology, Framework or Tool to Build Microservices

The following slide deck shows plenty of different technologies (e.g. REST, WebSockets), frameworks (e.g. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Puppet, Docker)…

10 years ago