Request-response communication with REST / HTTP is simple, well understood, and supported by most technologies, products, and SaaS cloud services.…
Data Mesh is a new architecture paradigm that gets a lot of buzzes these days. This blog post looks into…
Event Streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway solutions (Apigee, Mulesoft Anypoint, Kong, TIBCO Mashery, etc.) are…
Case Study: How to Move from a (Middleware) Monolith to Cloud, Containers and Microservices leveraging Docker, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Consul,…
Comparison of Open Source IoT Integration Frameworks such as Eclipse Kura (+ Apache Camel), Node-RED, Flogo, Apache Nifi, StreamSets, and…
Introduction to the Open Source IoT Integration Project Flogo to build very lightweight edge applications and microservices for cloud native…
JavaOne 2016 Trends: Besides focus on Java platform updates (Java 9, Java EE 8, etc.), I saw three hot topics,…
This blog explains the different components of a hybrid integration architecture, their deployment models, when to use them, and their…
I was invited to speak at Microservices Meetup Dublin this week. I updated my slide deck "Microservices - Death of…
The following slide deck shows plenty of different technologies (e.g. REST, WebSockets), frameworks (e.g. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Puppet, Docker)…