Why I will use Java EE (JEE, and not J2EE) instead of Spring in new Enterprise Java Projects in 2012

The question comes up often. It came up in my new project in November 2011, too. I will use Java EE (JEE, and not J2EE) instead of the Spring framework in this new Enterprise Java project. I know: Several articles, blogs and forum discussions are available regarding this topic. Why is there a need for one more? Because many blogs talk about older versions of Java EE or because they are not neutral (I hope to be neutral). And because many people still think thank EJBs are heavy! And because the time has changed: It is Java EE 6 time now, J2EE is dead. Finally! Finally, because not only JEE 6 is available, but also several application servers. I do not want to start a flame war (too many exist already), I just want to describe my personal opinion of the JEE vs. Spring „fight“…
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Rapid Cloud Development with Spring Roo – Part 1: Google App Engine (GAE)

Spring Roo is a tool to offer rapid application development on the Java platform. I already explained when to use it: https://www.kai-waehner.de/blog/2011/04/05/when-to-use-spring-roo. Spring Roo supports two solutions for Cloud Computing at the moment: Google App Engine (GAE) and VMware Cloud Foundry. Both provide the Platform as a Service (PaaS) concept. This article will discuss the GAE support of Spring Roo. Cloud Foundry will be analyzed in part 2 of this article series.
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Apache Camel and Scala: A Powerful Combination

I really like the integration framework Apache Camel and I also like Scala a lot. This article shows the basics of this combination. It is NO introduction to Apache Camel or Scala. I created a Git project to use it as simple startup for Camel-Scala-Maven projects using just the basic Camel concepts and only a few complex Scala features (i.e. very „Java-friendly“).
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Java / JVM – When to use Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) instead of Point-to-Point Messaging (JMS Implementations)

Several solutions are available in the Java / JVM environment for messaging. All have in common that they exist for many years and still do its job in mission critical systems: Sending remote messages fast and reliable. There exist two different concepts which compete against each other for enterprise messaging solutions. This article describes and compares Point-to-Point (e.g. ActiveMQ) and Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) messaging to answer the question when to use which one. Although both solutions are available for many years now, this question is still very important – also for new software!
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Report: Herbstcampus 2010 (IT-Conference in Nuremberg) about Java, JEE, .NET and SOA

I was at the Herbstcampus 2010 in Nuremberg, that is a four-day IT conference. The main topics consist of Java, JEE, .NET, Agile Development and SOA. Although, prominent speakers are missing, many very good and interesting sessions were available. Here you can find more information: Herbstcampus. In the following, I want to mention some more information about a few of the sessions I visited, and interesting facts that I noted.
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10 interesting Statements of Adam Bien about the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6)

Yesterday, I visited the one-day conference “DOAG SIG Java”, because I presented about applicability and limits of Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSF 2.0). The main subject was the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6). The final track included a live demo of Adam Bien, a well-known JEE expert, author and speaker (also involved in the JEE specs). A very nice “live show” of the JEE 6 features! The participants (including me) asked a lot of questions crititcally, Adam Bien always had very good answers and explanations because of his excessive experiences with Java technologies for several years.
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