This blog post discusses how to build a highly scalable, mission-critical microservice infrastructure with Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, and Apache Mesos respectively in their vendor-supported platforms from Confluent and Mesosphere.
I am happy that my first official Confluent blog post was published and want to link to it from by blog:
How to Build and Deploy Scalable Machine Learning in Production with Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Apache Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices. Mission-critical deployments via DC/OS and Confluent on premise or public cloud.
After three great years at TIBCO Software, I move back to open source and join Confluent, the company behind the open source project Apache Kafka to build mission-critical, scalable infrastructures for messaging, integration and stream processsing. In this blog post, I want to share why I see the future for middleware and big data analytics in open source technologies, why I really like Confluent, what I will focus on in the next months, and why I am so excited about this next step in my career.
I want to share my slide deck and video recordings from the talk “10 Lessons Learned from Building Cloud Native Middleware Microservices” at O’Reilly Software Architecture April 2017 in New York, USA in April 2017.