
Kafka Operator for Kubernetes – Confluent Operator to establish a Cloud-Native Apache Kafka Platform

Kafka Operator for Kubernetes - Confluent Operator to establish a Cloud-Native Apache Kafka Platform on Kubernetes (OpenShift, CloudFoundry, Hybrid Cloud).

6 years ago

Visualisation from my Apache Kafka + Mesos Session at OOP 2018

I did some talks about "Apache Kafka + Apache Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices" in the last months... See my…

7 years ago

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices

This blog post discusses how to build a highly scalable, mission-critical microservice infrastructure with Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, and Apache…

7 years ago

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Mesos / DCOS = Scalable Microservices

Apache Kafka + Kafka Streams + Apache Mesos = Highly Scalable Microservices. Mission-critical deployments via DC/OS and Confluent on premise…

7 years ago

Hybrid Integration Architecture is the New Default

This article shows the different components available for a Hybrid Integration Architecture. The goal is not to discuss different vendor…

9 years ago

Voxxed Article: Microservices, Containers and Cloud-Native Architectures for Middleware

This article discusses how relevant microservices, containers and a cloud-native architecture is for middleware. It is unbelievable how fast enterprises…

9 years ago

Microservices, Containers, Docker and a Cloud-Native Architecture in the Middleware World

This article discusses my talk at JPoint in Moscow about: “Microservices, Containers, Docker and a Cloud-Native Architecture in the Middleware…

9 years ago