Digital Twin with Apache Kafka - Simulating of car manufacturing by robots on Siemens
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Apache Kafka as Digital Twin for Open, Scalable, Reliable Industrial IoT (IIoT)

This blog post discusses the benefits of a Digital Twin in Industrial IoT (IIoT) and its relation to…
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IoT Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT, TensorFlow

Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars – Real Time Processing and Analytics with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT and TensorFlow leveraging Confluent and HiveMQ.
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Apache Kafka + MQTT = End-to-End IoT Integration (Code, Slides, Video)

MQTT and Apache Kafka are a perfect combination for end-to-end IoT integration from edge to data center. This post discusses two different approaches and refers to implementations on Github using Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, Confluent MQTT Proxy and Mosquitto.
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Deep Learning KSQL UDF for Streaming Anomaly Detection of MQTT IoT Sensor Data

KSQL UDF for sensor analytics. Leverages the new API features of KSQL to build UDF / UDAF functions easily with Java to do continuous stream processing with Apache Kafka. Use Case: Connected Cars – Real Time Streaming Analytics using Deep Learning.
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Microservices = Death of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)? – Slide Deck and Video Recording

In 2015, the middleware world focuses on two buzzwords: Docker and Microservices. Software vendors still sell products such as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) or Complex Event Processing (CEP) engines. How is this related? This session discusses the requirements, best practices and challenges for creating a good Microservices architecture, and if this spells the end of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
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