Data streaming with Apache Kafka and Flink is transforming the airline industry, enabling real-time efficiency and exceptional customer experiences. Virgin…
Log Analytics is the right framework or tool to monitor for Distributed Microservices. Comparison of Open source, SaaS and Enteprrise…
JavaOne 2016 Trends: Besides focus on Java platform updates (Java 9, Java EE 8, etc.), I saw three hot topics,…
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6 is a modern integration and service delivery platform ready for modern concepts such Mobile, Cloud, Internet…
Slide deck from OOP 2016: Comparison of Frameworks and Products for Big Data Log Analytics and ITOA, e.g. Open Source…
Docker is one of the hottest technologies right now. Relation to SOA, ESB and Microservices Many TIBCO customers already ask…
In 2015, the middleware world focuses on two buzzwords: Docker and Microservices. Software vendors still sell products such as an…
The following slide deck shows plenty of different technologies (e.g. REST, WebSockets), frameworks (e.g. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Puppet, Docker)…
Challenges, requirements and best practices for creating a good Microservicess architecture, and what role an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) plays…
Open API represent the leading edge of a new business model, providing innovative ways for companies to expand brand value…