
Apache Kafka vs. ESB / ETL / MQ

Read why enterprises leverage the open source ecosystem of Apache Kafka for successful integration of different legacy and modern applications…

6 years ago

Case Study: From a Monolith to Cloud, Containers, Microservices

Case Study: How to Move from a (Middleware) Monolith to Cloud, Containers and Microservices leveraging Docker, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Consul,…

8 years ago

Comparison: Data Preparation vs. Inline Data Wrangling in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects

Data Preparation: Comparison of Programming Languages, Frameworks and Tools for Data Preprocessing and (Inline) Data Wrangling in Machine Learning /…

8 years ago

Hybrid Integration Architecture is the New Default

This article shows the different components available for a Hybrid Integration Architecture. The goal is not to discuss different vendor…

8 years ago

Voxxed Article: Microservices, Containers and Cloud-Native Architectures for Middleware

This article discusses how relevant microservices, containers and a cloud-native architecture is for middleware. It is unbelievable how fast enterprises…

9 years ago

Micro Services Architecture = Death of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)?

Challenges, requirements and best practices for creating a good Microservicess architecture, and what role an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) plays…

10 years ago

Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) Revisited in 2014

This slide deck revisits Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and gives an overview about the status quo. Fortunately, EIPs offer more…

10 years ago

Slides online: “Enterprise Integration Patterns Revisited” – Talk at OBJEKTspektrum Information Days 2013

I had a brand new talk at OBJEKTspektrum Information Days 2013 in Frankfurt and Munich this week: Enterprise Integration Patterns…

11 years ago

WJAX 2013 Slides online: Big Data beyond Apache Hadoop – How to integrate ALL your Data with Camel and Talend

I just want to publish my updated slide deck from WJAX 2013 in Munich. I have integrated some real world…

11 years ago

JBoss OneDayTalk 2013: “NoSQL Integration with Apache Camel – MongoDB, CouchDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, HBase, Hazelcast, Riak, etc.”

JBoss OneDayTalk is a great annual event around open source development. I have done a talk about "NoSQL Integration with…

11 years ago