Apache Camel and Scala: A Powerful Combination

I really like the integration framework Apache Camel and I also like Scala a lot. This article shows the basics of this combination. It is NO introduction to Apache Camel or Scala. I created a Git project to use it as simple startup for Camel-Scala-Maven projects using just the basic Camel concepts and only a few complex Scala features (i.e. very „Java-friendly“).
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Java / JVM – When to use Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) instead of Point-to-Point Messaging (JMS Implementations)

Several solutions are available in the Java / JVM environment for messaging. All have in common that they exist for many years and still do its job in mission critical systems: Sending remote messages fast and reliable. There exist two different concepts which compete against each other for enterprise messaging solutions. This article describes and compares Point-to-Point (e.g. ActiveMQ) and Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) messaging to answer the question when to use which one. Although both solutions are available for many years now, this question is still very important – also for new software!
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First-hand Report about the Certification „SOA Certified Professional“ (SOACP) of soaschool.com

This article is a first-hand report about preparing for the SOACP certification and passing the exam. I decided to do this certification after I met Thomas Erl at the SOA Symposium 2010 in Berlin, Germany (see this older blog). I will tell you, why I like this certification and why (in my opinion) it makes a lot of sense. But I will also criticize some small details.
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Book Review “Apache Camel In Action”

In January, I spent a lot of time playing with Apache Camel. I really like this EAI-framework. Thus, I will hold a workshop in our company and at some external events, e.g. at the IT conference “Confess 2011” in Vienna. It helps you a lot in any integration project within the Java environment. The book “Camel in Action” released some weeks ago. If you want to learn Apache Camel, you need this book! Here is my short review.
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