Lessons learned: SmartGWT 2.3 – Component-Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

I used SmartGWT in our last project (duration: 6 months) – that is a component library for the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). I wanna share my experiences with that component library in the following. I show pros and cons of SmartGWT. Then I explain why I would use only a the client side of SmartGWT in future projects. I used SmartGWT Power 2.3 and GWT 2.0. All information is my personal opinion!
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MyBatis (formerly called iBatis) – Examples and Hints using @SELECT, @INSERT and @UPDATE Annotations

MyBatis is a lightweight persistence framework for Java and .NET. This blog entry addresses the Java side. MyBatis is an alternative positioned somewhere between plain JDBC and ORM frameworks (e.g. EclipseLink or Hibernate). MyBatis usually uses XML, but it also supports annotations since version 3. The documentation is very detailed for XML, but lacks of annotation examples. Just the Annotations itself are described, but no examples how to use them. I could not find any good and easy examples anywhere, so I will describe some very basic examples for SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements by implementing a Data Access Object (DAO) using MyBatis.
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Report: SOA / Cloud Symposium 2010 in Berlin

I was at the SOA / Cloud Symposium (5th and 6th October 2010) in Berlin, Germany. As the name already states: The two main topics were SOA and Cloud. This IT conference is the most important vendor-independant confernce regarding these topics. Business drivers for SOA, concepts, design patterns, use case studies and best pracitices were presented by well known, world wide SOA experts.
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Report: Herbstcampus 2010 (IT-Conference in Nuremberg) about Java, JEE, .NET and SOA

I was at the Herbstcampus 2010 in Nuremberg, that is a four-day IT conference. The main topics consist of Java, JEE, .NET, Agile Development and SOA. Although, prominent speakers are missing, many very good and interesting sessions were available. Here you can find more information: Herbstcampus. In the following, I want to mention some more information about a few of the sessions I visited, and interesting facts that I noted.
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10 interesting Statements of Adam Bien about the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6)

Yesterday, I visited the one-day conference “DOAG SIG Java”, because I presented about applicability and limits of Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSF 2.0). The main subject was the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE 6). The final track included a live demo of Adam Bien, a well-known JEE expert, author and speaker (also involved in the JEE specs). A very nice “live show” of the JEE 6 features! The participants (including me) asked a lot of questions crititcally, Adam Bien always had very good answers and explanations because of his excessive experiences with Java technologies for several years.
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